About Me.
Hey, I am Noah Walsh and I hope this provides a little more explanation of who I am and my interests.
I grew up in Richmond, Virginia where I quickly learned the value of hard work and individualism. Staying equally involved in school and athletics, and creating a working mentality became important to establish a work ethic that has continued through each stage of my life. From club, travel, and school, baseball became a large time consumer which was as much fun as it was work, constantly pushing through the ebbs and flows of performance with various different coaching styles I learned to become resilient and adaptable to different situations. Additionally, these lessons were upheld through school with greater attention to creating a lasting impression of effort and quality in everything I would produce.
Exploring interests.
As much as your average high school kid loves school, outside activities were largely a source of entertainment and character for who I was and continued into who I am today. During this time a lot of mental occupancy went to skating/surfing, graphic design, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and an intense exploration of music. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was an activity I wish I had picked up much earlier in life as I took to it quickly and with a passion.
Coming out of the shadow of most of my other athletic journeys, BJJ was a completely new endeavor that came with many new skills and lessons affiliated. Being able to open your mind to a completely different concept was the most interesting aspect of training and was only realized after a certain level of skill was learned. Also, discarding ego is an attribute that is crucial to success in the sport. If you don't consistently process this mentally, you will be tested and learn physically which can prove to be very constructive. Though, possibly the greatest part of beginning this path into jiu-jitsu is there is always more to learn, and will continue for the rest of my life.
Change it up.
After some time in Richmond, I moved down to Bradenton, Florida with my family, which as a summer beach rat, I was excited to say the least. One of my first (some may say impulsive) purchases was an old Channel Islands OG Flyer board which I still hold onto as my first shortboard. If you do know the area of Bradenton, it is quite disappointing when it comes to swells, though a little drive to the east coast never hurt anyone, especially after having to drive from central Virginia to Outer Banks or Virginia Beach to get a decent glimpse of waves. During the first summer, I can't explain how much time I spent in the water and honestly, it's probably best left unquantified.
Building myself.
Continuing through my academic career, after moving to Florida I graduated from community college receiving an associate's degree of science, in business administration, which would catapult me into the business role I currently hold at James Madison University, studying marketing with a focus in digital marketing. James Madison has provided an environment to fulfill a level of academic prowess as well as personal development. Being able to continue training BJJ with the added benefit of holding an executive position as the club's treasurer provided even more encouragement and drive to do well in classes. Even more, having a community of students with the same mindset was very exciting.